You have an opportunity to participate in the process and support legislation by signing this on-line petition.
The petition and comments from citizens will be presented to the House Veterans Affairs Committee at an April 6th hearing in Washington by Sen. Mike Rogers of Michigan, who will be introducing federal legislation to prohibit demonstrations at funeral services of fallen service members.
I encourage you to go to and help...

Respect for America's Fallen Heroes Act
Rogers: On-Line Petition Supports Ban on Funeral Protests
Thursday, March 23, 2006 – Americans who believe that U.S. soldiers killed in combat deserve a dignified funeral and a time for family and friends to mourn in peace, can help make that possible.
“America honors and respects our soldiers, and none more than those who die defending freedom and our nation,” said U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers, MI-08, who is introducing federal legislation banning protestors from military funerals. “We are asking citizens to help protect the funerals of those soldiers and their mourners from the disrespect of protestors who disrupt funeral and burial services and add to the pain of losing a loved one.”
Rogers’ legislation, the Respect for America’s Fallen Heroes Act, would ban demonstrations at funerals in national cemeteries. It also urges all 50 states to adopt similar laws for all military funerals.
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Rogers drafted the legislation after attending the funeral of a Michigan soldier who died of combat wounds suffered in Iraq. Protestors attempted to disrupt the funeral by shouting vile and harassing slogans at the family and other mourners.
“No family burying a son or daughter, a husband or wife, a brother or sister, should be faced with the insults, verbal attacks, and intimidation that these protestors were screaming or displaying on signs,” said Rogers, a former soldier and brother of an active duty soldier. “At first it made me very angry, but then I quickly realized that we must do something to stop it, and that is what this legislation will do, it will make it illegal to show disrespect, or harass the funeral of a soldier and his or her family and friends.”
Sign the petition here.
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