Thought you would like to see this. There were just a little over 1100 members countrywide when I signed up middle of Nov 05 and today there are 19,229 members countrywide.
See also the excellent coverage of this wonderful group from Good Morning America at the ABC News website.
Thank you Linda and all of the Patriot Guard Riders for honoring the memories of our fallen Heroes!

Click image to visit the Patriot Guard Riders website.
2d Session
H. RES. 731
Commending the Patriot Guard Riders for shielding mourning military families from protesters and preserving the memory of fallen service members at funerals.
March 16, 2006
Mr. MORAN of Kansas (for himself, Mr. BURGESS, Mr. SULLIVAN, Mr. BURTON of Indiana, Ms. BORDALLO, Mr. EVANS, Mr. MOORE of Kansas, Mr. MCCOTTER, Mr. TANNER, Mr. TIAHRT, Mr. BOOZMAN, Mr. KING of Iowa, Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky, Mr. LUCAS, Mr. TERRY, Mr. OSBORNE, Mr. HULSHOF, Mr. SHIMKUS, Mrs. BLACKBURN, Mrs. KELLY, and Mr. RYUN of Kansas) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services
Commending the Patriot Guard Riders for shielding mourning military families from protesters and preserving the memory of fallen service members at funerals.
Whereas in 2005, a small group of American Legion Riders in Kansas calling themselves the `Patriot Guard' began a movement to shield the families and friends of fallen service members from interruptions by protesters appearing at military funerals;
Whereas individuals from Colorado, Oklahoma, and Texas later brought together diverse groups of motorcycle organizations across the country who rode to honor fallen service members, forming a nationwide organization known as the `Patriot Guard Riders';
Whereas the Patriot Guard Riders have since grown into a national network of tens of thousands of members, including both veterans and nonveterans and riders and nonriders, and is open to anyone who shares a respect for service members who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the Nation;
Whereas Patriot Guard Riders attend military funerals to show respect for fallen service members and to shield mourning family members and friends of the deceased from protestors who interrupt, or threaten to interrupt, the dignity of the event;
Whereas the Patriot Guard Riders perform their mission of respect for, and shielding of, mourning family members and friends at military funerals by waving American flags, revving motorcycle engines, and otherwise peaceably acting to serve as a buffer;
Whereas across the Nation, Patriot Guard Riders volunteer their time to come to the aid of military families in need, taking lawful actions at funerals to drown out the insults and hateful signs of protesters, so to allow the memories of the deceased service member to be remembered with honor and dignity;
Whereas regardless of one's opinion of the Nation's military commitments, the families, friends, and communities of the Nation's fallen soldiers deserve a peaceful time of mourning and should not be harassed and caused further suffering at a funeral;
Whereas Patriot Guard Riders appear at a funeral only at the invitation of the fallen soldier's family and participate in a nonviolent, legal manner; and
Whereas the members of the Nation's Armed Forces willingly risk their lives to protect the American way of life and the freedoms guaranteed by the Constitution, including the right to freedom of speech: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved, That the House of Representatives expresses its deepest appreciation to the Patriot Guard Riders who--
(1) attend military funerals across the country to show respect for fallen members of the Armed Forces and, when needed, shield mourning family members and friends of the deceased from protestors who interrupt, or threaten to interrupt, the dignity of a funeral; and
(2) in so doing and standing tall in the face of ugliness, help to preserve the memory and dignity of the Nation's fallen heroes.
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