A wounded Soldier at Landstuhl hospital receives a Soldiers' Angels backpack with clothing and personal care items from SSG Gary Zigler, Casualty NCO of the USARPAC Casualty Liaison Team.
MOST-NEEDED ITEMS for August 2021
Please include your Email address in your packages. Without this information, we will be unable to confirm their receipt.
Thank you for your help with these items!
- Sweatpants and Zippered Hoodie Sweatjackets (M, L, XL - black or gray) Especially needed at this time.
- Plain white undershirts and plain T-shirts (M, L, XL - crew neck, any color) Especially needed at this time.
- Men's Boxerbriefs (M, L, XL) 2nd choice boxers. Please do not send "tightie whities".
- Lounge/sleep pants/pj bottoms (M, L, XL - any color or pattern)
- Deodorant, small size preferred but not necessary (We are completely out of deodorant at this time)
- Lip balm
- Toothpaste (any size)
- Socks (white ankle or crew length preferred.)
- Good disposable razors, triple or quad-blade. Please do not send refills.
- Nail Clippers (large & small)
- Flip flops to wear while showering (mens' large sizes)
Please send items to:
Soldiers’ Angels
Attn: Landstuhl
2895 NE Loop 410, Suite 107
San Antonio, TX 78218
- Please notify us when items are shipped.
- Important:
- Please print out, complete, and include this form in your packages. Without this information, we will be unable to confirm their receipt.
- Please allow 4 – 6 weeks for receipt confirmation.
Gold Star Mother and Soldiers' Angel Linda Ferrara with patient in front of donations shelves with clothing and hygiene items available for outpatients 24/7.