The Death Watch.
The writing on the crosses says "To the Victims of War".

Our fearless leader Stefan, with son Roman.
Much better looking than Cindy.
Finally getting my post up on the Cindy Flop in Germany, due to travel and one of the worst cases of flu I've had in years.
As expected, Cindy did not show up, using her "brutalization" by the NYPD the week before as an excuse. Being out on bail probably didn't help her chances for international travel much, either.
Guess the trip to Germany to "support our wounded soldiers" was not as important as making a spectacle of herself in New York.
The visit to Landstuhl hospital, the march from the hospital to Ramstein AB, the address to the European parliament, all did not materialize. Neither did the up to 500 protestors expected to attend.
Our group was small, too. A group of about 20 Germans and Americans braved 4 hours of cold, wind and rain (vs. their approx. 1 hour "vigil") to support our troops and the German-American partnership. Our messages were much more positive, as seen here.

"Deutschland 1945, Iraq 2003", "America: You Are Not Alone", "Thanks, George W"
At one point I heard a raised voice insistently screeching something about mass murder and whatnot. Two gentlemen from the other side had come over to talk with us. Funny how aggressive these "peace people" often are. Not being a masochist, I declined to engage but others did. As an example of their knowledge of actual historical facts, the gentleman was categorically stating that Saddam had nothing to do with terrorism as another reason the war is "illegal". Astonishingly, he had never heard that Abu Nidal was found in Baghdad in 2003. To his credit, he made a note of it.

Pot of coffee from supporters at a nearby gas station.
All in all, it was a great day spent with great people like Stefan Prystawik - thank you Stefan for the organization! - Mrs. G of the Mudville Gazette - make sure to read her excellent wrapup here - Eric Staal of the Republicans Abroad / GOP Europe, and many others.
Also make sure to read Steve Mraz's report in Stars & Stripes here.
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