- From a Soldier in Iraq
Great article about Soldiers' Angels in yesterday's Hood River News:
Terri Hansen of Hood River once cried at the thought that soldiers serving their country often had no encouragement from home — then she dried her eyes and got to work.
“Some of these men and women have been in combat for months and never received a card or letter telling them that they are appreciated,” said Hansen. “I think, whether people support the war or not, we all need to support our heroes.”
( ... )
In fact, she and the children in her day care — who have colored more than 300 pictures for the troops — regularly get return letters. And they receive first-hand accounts about the hardship brought by weather that often tops 120 degrees and hard-hitting hail that forces everyone to run for cover.

Hansen said her most touching story was the follow-up to a request from a platoon leader who wanted dozens of colorings from the children.
He told her that the bright pictures had been hung on the dark walls of an old and dank prison that his men had secured and were bunking in.
“He said that we gave them hope and determination to get the job done and come home safe,” said Hansen.
“You asked in your letter if I needed anything. Not really. Your letters are enough.... "
Terri is also a supporter of our mission here at Soldiers' Angels Germany. Thanks for all you do, Terri.
Won't you step up and become a Soldiers' Angel?
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