From Renee of the Soldiers' Angels Living Legends Team:
We have a fallen hero from Soldiers' Angels, SSG Ryan E. Haupt.
Ryan, 24, and two other Soldiers died Oct. 17 in Baqubah, Iraq, of injuries suffered when an improvised explosive device detonated near their vehicle.
The Soldiers were assigned to the 1st Battalion, 68th Armor Regiment, 3rd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Carson, Colo.
Ryan is survived by his wife, Nannette Byrne-Haupt, and his parents Lynn (Perrie Jay) Forhand and Lance Haupt.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Fort Carson Soldiers and their families.
Haupt arrived at Fort Carson in April 2004 after serving in Korea. He was deployed to Iraq in December for his first tour, which was scheduled to end next month.
He was a member of the Army's elite sniper section and was posthumously awarded the Combat Infantryman's Badge, Purple Heart and Bronze Star.
The Patriot Guard Riders rode for SSG Haupt on 25 October.
Please take a moment to read the Army Staff Sgt. Ryan E. Haupt tribute at the Soldiers' Angels Fallen Heroes blog.
Remember our Heroes.
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