Although SA has a "re-enlistment" rate of about 75% among existing Angels who re-adopt after their soldiers' redeployments, we would love to welcome new Angels to the SA family!
Find out more about Soldiers' Angels here.
To adopt a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine, click on the "Adopt a Soldier" link in the upper left-hand corner. Adoption FAQs can be found here.
If adopting isn't for you, Soldiers' Angels also has a Letter Writing Team for those who enjoy writing to our heroes and know how important it is to hear their names called at mail call.
You may sign up for as many days in the week as you want. On that day each week, your assigned LWT "Team Leader" will send you a new name and address to write to. You are only asked to send one card or letter to each address you receive, but of course may send more if you like.
Information about other Soldiers' Angels operations here.
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