From one of our adopted soldiers in Iraq.
Dear Angels,
I apologize for not writing you guys sooner. However, this past week has been difficult for all of us. On Memorial Day we had a convoy that was attacked with a vehicle-borne explosive device while returning to camp.
I regret to inform you that our company commander is dead along with his Iraqi interpreter. Also there are six wounded in action. They are being transported to Germany and then back to the states.
There are many feelings that we are dealing with as we mourn the loss of Captain James Funkhouser. Among those, hatred toward the enemy, anger, sadness, depression and grief for the many families involved.
Captain Funkhouser is survived by his wife and two young daughters, ages 4 and 2.
We had a memorial service for Captain Funkhouser on 02 June 2006. It was very good. I think it opened up a lot of hearts and minds as to how to deal with these emotions. However, our work is not anywhere close to being over with.
( ... )
Finally Angels, I want to thank you all for your hard work and support. We love and miss you all very much. You are in our thoughts and prayers everyday.
You have my promise to you and before God: I will never quit, I will never accept defeat, I will never leave a fallen comrade. It may not be today, tomorrow, or next week. But EVERY SOLDIER WILL COME HOME!!!!
God Bless You All!
Respectfully yours,
CBS News employees Paul Douglas and James Brolan were killed in the same attack, and CBS's Kimberly Dozier was critically injured. Dozier has since returned to the US via Germany.
Please take a moment to look at the story, photos, and video about Captain Funkhauser at keyetv.com here.
From CNN's interview with Captain Funkhauser's wife Jennifer and father James:
COSTELLO [CNN]: Funkhouser was third generation military. His father and grandfather before him, James Senior, spent 31 years in the service.
JAMES FUNKHOUSER SR: When you lose a child, it's always painful. And when you lose your only child, it is especially painful.
JENNIFER FUNKHOUSER: I just want his name out there, you know? He was wonderful. He was a great soldier, a great guy, a great father, a great husband.
COSTELLO: But the attention given to tragedy involving the CBS news crew and her husband is somehow bittersweet, because so many others die in relative anonymity.
JENNIFER FUNKHOUSER: All of these soldiers that are injured, my husband had a lot of soldiers that were injured with him. They all have names. They all have stories. They're people. They're not just a soldier. They have a life. They have a family, a family that mourns them, a family that hurts. Everyone needs to know.
The Patriot Guard Riders will be riding for Captain Funkhauser today.
Remember our Heroes.
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