Soldiers prepare to fire a volley during a 21-gun salute to Staff Sgt. Heathe N. Craig, a member of the 159th Medical Company (Air Ambulance), who died June 21 in Afghanistan during a mission to rescue two 10th Mountain Division soldiers who had been injured in combat. - Matt Millham / S&S
From Matt Millham at Stars and Stripes:
As a combat medic, Staff Sgt. Craig understood that, sometimes, saving people means risking your own life.
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Sgt. Krendra Jackson, one of Craig’s close friends, couldn’t keep herself from crying as she talked about her fallen comrade during the memorial service at Wiesbaden Army Airfield’s chapel.
She told how Craig, even after back surgery, would work tirelessly, laboring beyond his body’s limits, afraid that he might come off as a slacker. Jackson remembers telling him to take it easy. “He would look at me with those blue eyes and say, ‘My name’s not worthless.’”
Few in attendance could hold back their tears as Jackson recounted her friendship with Craig. “Judy, you once told us we acted like brother and sister. He was my brother,” she said. “He was our brother.”
Soldiers' Angels Mourns Staff Sgt. Heathe N. Craig
Army Staff Sgt Heathe Craig tribute at the Soldiers' Angels Fallen Heroes blog
Remember our Heroes.
Update June 2009: See this post about the hospital in Bagram, Afghanistan named after SSG Craig.
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