This is a difficult post to write, but many of you have been asking about DJ. There have been ongoing complications and his condition is very serious. Over the past 3 days the doctors have been forced to amputate both of his legs in an effort to control the infection that is plaguing his body.
Corporal David "DJ" Emery Jr. of 2/4 Marines was severly wounded in a terrorist suicide attack on February 7. He was sent here to Germany and then on to Bethesda Naval Medical Center on Februrary 18. You can find previous posts about DJ here and here.
My hearfelt gratitude to all of you who have kept DJ and his family in your thoughts and prayers. They are much appreciated and needed more than ever now.
The other day Cassandra posted the beautiful words below about faith for DJ and his family. They have been a true comfort during this difficult time and I'd like to share them with you here.
Who can know what tales are told in the whispers of an angel,
Who can see what mighty deeds he does in the name of the Lord,
What eye can see or mind conceive of how he sees this world,
Dark and light is angel sight: the battle brave, and souls are saved.
Demons flee when we're set free, and angels there attend.
- Dennis Carlson Ragsdale
Click to read more stories about DJ here at SAG.
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