From MoveAmericaForward
From California to Washington, D.C. March 8th – March 17th
On the eve of the 4th anniversary of the start of Operation Iraqi Freedom, a national patriotic, pro-troop caravan will cross the nation, traveling from California to Washington, D.C. to show support for U.S. troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan. Members of the public are encouraged to join the caravan and attend the pro-troop rallies along the way.
The “THESE COLORS DON’T RUN” national caravan will depart San Francisco, California on the morning of Thursday, March 8, 2007, traversing the length of the state and then heading across the nation to Washington, D.C. The effort is in support of the "Gathering of Eagles" event in Washington, D.C. on March 17th. The patriotic caravan will feature 25 pro-troop rallies in cities across the nation.
People attending the rallies are asked to bring American flags to each rally that will be collected and brought to Washington, D.C. where they will be displayed at the Gathering of Eagles event to create a giant "Flag City" on Saturday, March 17, 2007.

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