For example, here's her son Dan (right) and buddy Jimmy celebrating Easter in Iraq last year with a "Peep Roast". For those of you not familiar with "Peeps", they are those little marshmallow bunnies, chicks, etc. available around Easter. Sara recommends this site for more Peeps fun.

This year Sara has again sent Peep Roasting kits and Peep War kits (don't ask!) downrange, as well as over 70 Easter baskets. Here's some of the feedback she's received so far.

Hi Sara!
How are you doing? As always I hope this note reaches you in good health and spirits. Our spirits were surely lifted this afternoon when I picked up the package you sent to me! My Soldiers were so happy. It was like Christmas in March! I think it was just what they needed today! It has been a tough couple of weeks.
All the snacks and goodies are already gone... except for the Herseys Treasures, they were a little soft so I put them up for tomorrow. And the books are amazing! Thank you. I have also handed out the magazines and everyone seemed happy for a minute! And it is all because of you and the networks' thoughtfulness. A lot of Soldiers do not receive packages and when I hand them items, I can see it does a world of good. Even though it is short-lived, it is worth each moment.
Please know that you are making a world of difference and we appreciate it. I will say, you do have perfect timing! Easter is just around the corner and my Soldiers started talking about their last Easter. It was great.
Thank you again,

Hey Sara,
My Soldiers are still walking around with the toys you sent us. They are the most coveted war trophies in Iraq. Before long, the bunny will be wearing rank and I'm sure if no one loses it, we will have a new mascot.
The Easter baskets continue to be a big hit. While we attended our mission brief last night, some of the Soldiers (men and women) were playing with the toys they received from the Easter baskets. They toys get passed around forcibly from one Soldier to the next.

Hey there you. I got your box yesturday. Thank you so very much. What a very cool box. We loved all of the toys and Easter candy and such. It was really funny we were like kids at a party. You really made our day. I loved the post card.
Do you know I spent almost every weekend of my high school career going into New York and I have never once been to see the Statue of Liberty. It's unreal. I really need to take a trip up there just to do that.

Hey Sara,
We received your package. Thanks a bunch. It has been a while since I have received an Easter basket. The little toys in it were cute. All the candy was solid and delicious. Six months has all of a sudden made everyone a chocolate freak. The no-chocolate season is going to be a hard one. Everyone enjoyed the magazines as well. The guys especially seemed to enjoy the cheerleader one. Go figure.
Other then that things are pretty quiet here. We have some great training events coming up and I can't wait for them to be over so we can focus on other things. The anticipation of training always seems to take up more time then the actually training. Well, take care.
Being Safe,

Hey Sara,
I’m emailing you from my work cause I haven’t been able to check my yahoo. It was nice to get your package. I loved it so much. The calendar was awesome. It just motivated me to go visit New York City. And I am. I want to take my little sister and best friend cause they have always wanted to go. And so have I.
The Easter basket and candies were great. I told some of my Marines that we were going to have an egg hunt for easter. So hopefully it turns out great.

Sara is Co-Leader of the Soldiers' Angels Letter Writing Team, which sent well over 100,000 letters to deployed soldiers last year.
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