CJTF-82 Operations - On January 13, 2008, a Reconnaissance Platoon from 2-508 Parachute Infantry Regiment, 82nd Airborne Division was traveling north on Highway 1 from Forward Operating Base Ghazni. They came across a major accident in the Sayed Abad District of Wardak Province involving a large passenger bus and a Jingle truck that had collided due to icy road conditions.

The platoon stopped and rendered aid to the victims of the accident. One bus passenger was seriously injured and was trapped in the bus. Members of the platoon used vehicle jacks and crow bars to free the passenger.

His injuries required further medical care, so the platoon set up a hasty landing zone on highway 1 and called for a MEDEVAC. A coalition Forces MEDEVAC landed within minutes and transported the injured Afghan to the hospital.
Hurray for 2/508 and their quick work caring for the accident victims. My medic-son wasn't involved, but cares for many Afghan civilians in the field hospitals.
I was there, remember that day.
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