On Wednesday 16 December 2009, many milblogs -- including This Ain't Hell, From My Position, Blackfive, Miss Ladybug, Boston Maggie, Grim's Hall, Bouhammer, CDR Salamander, Delta Bravo Sierra, and those participating in the Wednesday Hero program -- are going silent for the day. Some are choosing to go silent for a longer period of time.
The catalyst has been the treatment of milblogger C.J. Grisham of A Soldier’s Perspective (http://www.soldiersperspective.us/).
Army Master Sgt. C. J. Grisham has always led from the front, from combat that earned him the Bronze Star with V device, to the White House on down for his honest, and sometimes blunt, discussion of issues — particularly PTSD.
Please read this article at Military Times to get the full story.
Milblogs have been a vital link in getting accurate news and information about the military, and military operations, to the public. They have provided vital context and analysis on issues critical to operations and to the informed electorate critical to the Republic.
You may donate to C.J.'s legal fund by logging onto PayPal, going to the send money page, and entering his email address: dj_chcknhawk (AT) yahoo.com; or, you can send donations directly to:
Grisham Legal Fund
c/o Redstone Federal Credit Union
220 Wynn Drive
Huntsville, AL 35893
Please write "Grisham Legal Fund" in the memo line if you use this option.
The battle for freedom of speech and the marketplace of ideas is fought on many fronts and in many ways. Please help to preserve the rights of those who have sacrificed so much for all of us.
Update: Thanks to Mrs G of the Dawn Patrol for compiling the following lists.
Participating blogs:
A Soldier's Perspective
You Served
The American Legion
Laughing Wolf
Hugh Hewitt
This Ain't Hell
Castle Argghhh
Boston Maggie
Miss Ladybug
Hooah Wife
Kiss My Gumbo
Some Soldiers Mom
Assoluta Tranquillita
Knee Deep in the Hooah
Soldiers' Angel New York
Drunken Wisdom
Grim's Hall
From my position
CDR Salamander
Confederate Yankee
Chromed Curses
Homefront Six
Pvt Murphey's Law
Delta Bravo Sierra
The Sniper
Another Voice
Support your Local Gunfighter
Knottie' s Niche
Great Reader JihadGene
America's North Shore Journal
Righty in a Lefty State
Thunder Run
Gazing at the Flag
Neptunus Lex
Soldiers Angels Germany
Bring the heat, bring the stupid
Little Drops..... Into the pool of life.
The Gun Line
In Iraq Now (at 56)
Army Houesehold6
From Cow Pastures to Kosovo
Susan Katz Keating
Kitchen Dispatch
Right Wing Right Minded
The Foxhole
The SandGram
My Own Political Party
Registered Evil
Texas Fred
Keep My Soldier Safe
Journalism Hope
Asymmetric Military
Army of Dude
Foreign and Domestic
Conservative Libertarian Outpost
The Lemon Stand
White Rose Adventures
South Park Diva
What The F*&#!?!?
On Voilence
Haze Gray and Underway
The Empty Mind
LTC John - Miserable Donuts
The Mudville Gazette
Get Lost With Easy-Writer
Yankee Mom
Steeljaw Scribe
What You Wish For
Watchman's Soap Box
Russ. Just Russ
It's OK ....
Lionheart Group
Trying my best to support our troops
The Watch Cat
Around O-Town Orlando ...
Arizona Shooter
Covering the story:
Army Times
Air Force Times
Marine Times
Navy Times
Military Times
Michelle Malkin
National Review's The Corner
Ace of Spades
Jawa Report
Winds of Change
Bookworm Room
The AtlanticWire
No Runny Eggs
Muncie Free Press
Flopping Aces
Small Dead Animals
Navy Experience
The Pink Flamingo
World Net Daily
CNN IReport
Cao's Blog
Free Republic
United Conservatives of Virginia
Miss Beth's Victory Dance
Wake up America
Dr. Melissa Clouthier
Villainous Company
The Washington Independent
In the Crosshairs
Around The Sphere
Sparks from the Anvil
Pirates Cove
Politics in the Zero
Los Angeles Times Pressmens 20 Year Club
Blog Critics
Chicago Ray Report
Scoop Deck
Marooned In Marin
Genie's Dream
Conservatives United!
MilBlogs = Free speech from those who help make it possible ~ Greyhawk
Update 2, Friday evening, Zulu time: Regular blogging resumes, even as this issue remains top of mind. If you read only one thing about C.J., make it this post by Greyhawk, The Extreme (Part two).
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