Where do you find inspiration?
The letters and messages we receive from our boots on the ground.
We cannot pick up guns and help because we are too young or too old or disabled for some reason. BUT– we can have their backs.
We can get supplies to them and comfort their families. We can stock the hospitals and provide for the Fisher House.
If you are rich you can write a check, if you are poor you can write a letter.
We all have neighbors right on our street with a loved one deployed; we can make an effort to comfort them.
Read the whole thing at Michael Yon: Online Magazine
And here's an example of one of those messages, received by Soldiers' Angel Toni from the Captain of a unit in Iraq.
The guys I gave you the names for are receiving all kinds of letters and that has really brightened up their days.
Please thank the Angels for all they have done for the morale of my boys! The morale booster of our Soldiers is all the support we are receiving from Americans all over the US. Just one letter can mean the difference in a good day or a bad day for a Soldier!
I would like to take this opporturnity to thank everyone for what you do for us. We will continue to serve proudly to protect the freedoms enjoyed by the citizens of our great Nation as well as the freedom of our Iraqi Allies.
Some more inspiration from Arnold Fisher of Fisher House:
And while there are many things that governments can do, there are some things, such as helping the fallen warriors of the voluntary armed forces, that citizens of a free nation should do.
"Don't use the word charity with regard to the military," Arnold Fisher declares passionately. "This is duty."
Won't you step forward and become a Soldiers' Angel?
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