Be sure to read the story about teenager Danielle Ansley at Michelle's.
U.S. Base in Germany Closes After 60 Years
The U.S. Air Force on Friday handed over the keys to Rhein-Main Air Base to the operator of Frankfurt International Airport, the last step in closing the base that hosted American forces for 60 years.
The 120 buildings on the base are to be bulldozed to make way for a third terminal for Frankfurt's sprawling civilian airport — continental Europe's busiest. It officially becomes German property on Saturday.
The ceremony, at which Brig. Gen. Mike Snodgrass gave the keys of the base's buildings and main gate to Manfred Schoelch of airport operator Fraport AG, followed Rhein-Main's formal closing in October.
"It's bittersweet — after 60 years of partnership, to see it come to an end," said Capt. Jonathan Friedman, a U.S. Air Force spokesman.
Only days before Christmas, the Intensive Care Unit at the U.S. Army's Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany is as busy as ever.
Doctors and nurses work around the clock at this hospital to meet the needs of U.S. soldiers who have been severely injured in Iraq, Afghanistan or other combat locations.
The influx of patients with blast and gunshot wounds, burns, or other traumatic injuries from Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) and other attacks, has remained steady since the beginning of the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq over two years ago.
A total of more than 28,000* soldiers, airmen, sailors and Marines from Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom have already been treated at Landstuhl hospital, the largest American medical facility outside the continental United States.
While most Americans are resting over the holiday season, the medical personnel at Landstuhl will be working away to help injured troops get well and get home to their loved ones stateside as soon as possible.
"Sure, we would like to be able to go home for the holidays, but so would the soldiers in Iraq," said Major Insel Angus, a reservist nurse from Reno, Nevada, who arrived in Germany last February.
Angus belongs to a reserve group of 300 medical specialists who were brought in to help stabilize the critically wounded and get them back to the United States for further treatment.
Most of her colleagues have left family, regular jobs and even private practices behind.
Yet, recently, Angus and two thirds of her reserve group voluntarily extended their rotation in Germany for another year.
Trust: The so-called mainstream media in general and The New York Times in particular are waging a relentless campaign undermining the war on terror. The Fourth Estate is beginning to look like a Fifth Column.
It's hard to imagine a major American newspaper in 1942 announcing before the Battle of Midway that we had broken the Imperial Japanese code or before D-Day that the Allies had a machine that let us read the Nazis' highest-level transmissions.
Yet in the war on terror, that's exactly the kind of information that papers like the Times and The Washington Post, in the name of the "people's right to know," have provided our jihadist enemy -- from stories on secret CIA prisons where our mortal enemies are held to wiretaps on al-Qaida operatives and their U.S. contacts.
Poland Stands By The Coalition
A hearty round of applause, please, for our allies in Poland who understand the necessity of guarding freedom and democracy.
Despite an earlier indication that the Poles would stick to a withdrawal timetable that would have seen their 1500-troop contingent leave Iraq within a few weeks, Poland announced instead that it would maintain its forces in Iraq throughout 2006 in keeping with a request from the new Iraqi government.
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In a time when European politicians often fall back on reflexive anti-Americanism to score short-term political points, let's remember that some of our friends understand the stakes involved in the Iraqi front of the war on terror. Three cheers for the brave and steadfast Poles.
Good for new Polish Prime Minister Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz. Good for the Poles. I commented some weeks ago that our support for democracy in Poland had turned a country that was at best neutral-to-hostile during the Cold War into a staunch ally.
This is something to consider when someone asks you why we are bothering to support democracy in Iraq.
It started last Christmas, when Bennett and Vivian Levin were overwhelmed by sadness while listening to radio reports of injured American troops.
"We have to let them know we care," Vivian told Bennett.
So they organized a trip to bring soldiers from Walter Reed Army Medical Center and Bethesda Naval Hospital to the annual Army-Navy football game in Philly, on Dec. 3.
The cool part is, they created their own train line to do it.
Yes, there are people in this country who actually own real trains. Bennett Levin - native Philly guy, self-made millionaire and irascible former L&I commish - is one of them.
He has three luxury rail cars. Think mahogany paneling, plush seating and white-linen dining areas. He also has two locomotives, which he stores at his Juniata Park train yard.
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He and Vivian wanted to revive a tradition that endured from 1936 to 1975, during which trains carried Army-Navy spectators from around the country directly to the stadium where the annual game is played.
The Levins could think of no better passengers to reinstate the ceremonial ride than the wounded men and women recovering at Walter Reed in D.C. and Bethesda, in Maryland.
"We wanted to give them a first-class experience," says Bennett. "Gourmet meals on board, private transportation from the train to the stadium, perfect seats - real hero treatment."
Through the Army War College Foundation, of which he is a trustee, Bennett met with Walter Reed's commanding general, who loved the idea.
But Bennett had some ground rules first, all designed to keep the focus on the troops alone:
No press on the trip, lest the soldiers' day of pampering devolve into a media circus.
No politicians either, because, says Bennett, "I didn't want some idiot making this trip into a campaign photo op."
And no Pentagon suits on board, otherwise the soldiers would be too busy saluting superiors to relax.
The general agreed to the conditions, and Bennett realized he had a problem on his hands.
"I had to actually make this thing happen," he laughs.
We held a counter-protest of the Code Pinkos's anti-troops antics. As you know, anti-war/anti-military people hold weekly protests outside the main gate of WRAMC. It disturbs a lot of people. Namely, the patients, the patients' families and friends, veterans, military personnel serving, and decent people everywhere.
Hey ya'll, I am in Kuwait and on my way home from Iraq - hopefuly for good. I have a few days to spare, doing much of nothing, so I figure I might as well catch up on a few good "Dixie Thunder" stories.
Now this is one that happened about two months ago...
Photo was taken a few weeks back out on the Syrian border.
Thought you might want to see twenty very good reasons of why we’re here and what you are supporting...
Thank you again.
... the amazing thing about the Iraqi children is they are all so happy, even in their poverty – but it isn’t a material poverty or poverty of the body, but more like a poverty of freedom and of the mind.
In time, our efforts will pay off – this I believe to the core of my soul – freedom will come.
It's been a while since I've been out to the counter demonstration. Some things never change, including Code Pink's insistence on desecrating the grounds outside of Walter Reed, the hospital housing many of our recovering heroes. They managed ten or so anti-war protesters, but no guitar and no hippie music tonight - whew!
Maybe this Christmas season, the pinkos' hearts will grow a size or two and they will stop tormenting the war wounded.
I may not know your name
but know that I care
I'm going to share some things with you
so you are aware
You march in protest
with your signs in hand
You say war is not the answer
it's not god's plan
Well I don't agree
or at least choose the words you may
But here I stand
defending to my death your right to say
I guess you don't really get it
you'll never understand
How nervewracking it is
to step out on that sand
So those who say its not worth the cost
it's not worth the while
Has never seen a grin
on the face of an Iraqi child
Just know we are here
to help them make a stand
And I will give my life
to put freedom in their hands
So before you raise your sign
and scream about what's right
Know that I'm standing guard
sleep in peace tonight
Cause you may never be here
and I pray you never do
We will stand and fight
making the American dream come true
We know our road's broken,
not all smooth and flat
It's just disheartening to know
it's come down to that
So before you curse at Bush
know we're glad he exists
Because he cared enough to make a stand
instead of just waving an angry fist.
Dear Soldiers’ Angels,
I just re-submitted my name and info because I was trying to get help on how to contact my buddy's Angels. He was seriously hurt in an accident and I'm sure he would like them to know what’s going on. His name is SSgt C.
Please e-mail me back with more information on how to get a hold of my friend’s Angels or if you can get a hold of his Angels and give them my e-mail address so I can update them with his situation it would be great.
Thank you again,
SSgt G.
Dear SSgt G.,
I am so sorry to hear this news, I will get you the names ASAP.
How are you doing, can I send supplies?
Thank you for your support and wanting to help, Ms. Patti.
SSgt C. is in Germany now so I'm sure he is receiving the best care possible. If there is anything you're wanting to send please feel free but I can't think of anything needed right off the top of my head at the moment.
Thank you again for your help.
SSgt G.
Hi everyone,
I'm in New Jersey right now, but I just called the hospital and spoke with the nurse on Sgt C.'s ward.
She promised to let Sgt C. know that Sgt G. and the "Ninjas" were asking for him, so please pass that along to him.
She also said she was just in his room, he was sleeping but she had been talking with him earlier... (personal information removed)
Let us know if there's anything else we can do, and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Thank you so much, Robin.
Y'all mean so much to us soldiers over here in Iraq. It's amazing how if you just reach out for help there are people like yourself and Soldiers’ Angels there to help out in any way possible.
It brought tears to my eyes just knowing that y'all contacted someone who could get through to him and let him know that his buddies care so much about him.
Thank you, Robin.
SSgt G.