It takes a special kind of person to come all the way over from the US in order to spend days in this room... someone like Soldiers' Angel Pat Scanlon. Pat's been a supporter for years and finally decided to fulfill a dream by coming over to see where all those boxes she's sent have ended up. Well, now you know - haha!

Here's Pat baking cookies in the kitchen of the Medical Transient Detachment outpatient barracks. When I came in with the camera, this patient who had been sitting there chatting with Pat while she worked jumped up to make it look like he was helping... which we found pretty funny.

At one of the hospital medical/surgical wards where the nurses have created a display showcasing Soldiers' Angels' donations such as our logo sweats. We were doing our rounds distributing phone cards, backpacks, and other items when I decided to snap this photo.

One of six "self-service" donations shelves we have set up in the outpatient barracks. The laundry room is a great location because if you know Soldiers, you know they'll find this room within hours of their arrival here. It may not look like much, but these shelves need to be refilled twice a week to keep up with the demand - particularly for the warm, soft Blankets of Hope. Also provided are extra clothing and personal care items, shower shoes, and empty backpacks.
Patients with puzzled looks on their faces often ask "is this stuff for us?" and "where it all comes from?". We say it's from people back home who know they're here and want them to know how much they love and support them.
...people like Pat and so many others. Thank you!
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