Shortly after 3pm local time on September 11, 2001 I was at work when the first reports starting coming in that a small plane had crashed into the World Trade Center.
David Wiswall was also at work when the first plane hit Tower One. He called his wife Pat, left a message, and then began assisting with evacuation efforts.
His office was on the 105th floor of Tower Two.
Dave, as he was known by everyone at Aon Corporation where he worked as a senior vice president, assisted many of his coworkers flee by ushering them to a stairwell and holding the door open.
In the message to his wife he indicated "he was sure there was a huge disaster and they were going to get out of there."
Wiswall, 54, and his wife Pat lived in North Massapequa, on Long Island. The couple loved to golf. "We were enjoying the empty- nester life," she said, adding that Wiswall also belonged to a weekly bowling league. "He went bowling with friends he knew for many, many years from grammar school," she said.
Her husband was known for his dry wit, and friends looked forward to being with him. "He never told a joke but was one of the funniest people," she said, recalling that he was fanatical about caring for their lawn. "One time, he actually vacuumed the lawn. I think there were a few berries out there he was trying to get."
He and Pat were looking forward to his retiring in about six years so they could move down to North Carolina, where they planned to play even more golf.
"We were enjoying it so much," Ms. Wiswall said. "Just the fact that we were free to go out and do things. It's just another nice stage of life."
Wiswall is also survived by his two children, Amy and Keith.
Sources: Newsday, The New York Times
I am honored to remember David Wiswall as part of D.C. Roe's 2996 Project involving over 3000 bloggers to commemorate the victims of 9/11 on this 5th anniversary.
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