30 September 2005

The Candy Guy - Part X

Via Sara from Soldiers' Angels, another email from Richard the "Candy Guy" providing a glimpse of the Iraqi experience from one of our heroes.

Hey all, was just out with Bravo company again.

Once more we went on a presence patrol. We just ride through the city and see if anything suspicious is taking place. We often stop and question people about what all is going on in the city.

It is crazy in that they have all different types of militias in and around the city, and they dress in different type clothes, and some even wear mask like they are terrorist, or something. All of them, without exception, carry AK-47's. We saw a number of these black-clad militia men this morning.

For the last two times I have been out with Bravo we have given out candy as we rode. Last time big Doug was in the gunners hatch. This is a good ole boy if there ever was one: he is 41 years old, and is a big fellow that chews red man chewing tobacco, and is very good humored. Back in north Mississippi he is a mechanic and drives a pulp wood truck. He can really get to talking if you get him rolling.

He was on the gunner hatch throwing out candy left and right to the kids, thoroughly enjoying himself. After we got finished he looked down at me and said: "%$/@!, that sure was fun." After we got back in he repeated this about how much fun he had throwing out candy to the kids. He is a big fellow with a good heart and enjoyed himself to death that day throwing out candy.

Well ya'll, my time is up, and I have to go.


If you would like to send some hard candy to Richard for him and his unit to hand out please email Sara.

Contributed by:
Sara of Soldiers' Angels USA and "her" soldier Richard from Iraq

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