The Soldiers' Angels have adopted the Combat Support Hospitals in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all the Military hospitals worldwide. Soldiers’ Angels Germany supports the patients at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center. See About Medical Evacuations to Germany.
One of the most requested items for injured and ill service members transitioning through Germany is phone cards.
Phone cards used at medical facilities in Germany do not need to be international or global, as the patients call through DSN (military network) phone lines.
You can donate AT&T 60-minute phone cards directly to patients in Germany by purchasing at the Soldiers’ Angel Store and using our APO shipping address in Germany. Price includes shipping, and purchases made at the SA store are tax deductable.
If you are a Sam's Club member, this 15-card pack of 60-minute AT&T phone cards is an excellent value at $31.23.
Also, AAFES is now selling Prepaid Phone Cards to everybody! Handy "Units vs. Minutes" chart, info on buying for a specific military member or to make a donation, "Ship to Shore" prepaid cards, etc.
And (sad to say) do not itemize "phone cards" anywhere on the outside of your envelope, package, or customs form.
Our shipping address in Germany:
Attn: Soldiers' Angels
CMR 402
APO AE 09180
- Please notify us when items are shipped.
- Include a note with your name, Email address, and brief description of items sent in your shipment. Without this information, we will be unable to confirm their receipt.
- Please allow 6 - 8 weeks for receipt confirmation.
I would like to take this opportunity to present you with our heartfelt thanks for your donations of backpacks and phone cards. The Chaplains’ office ran out of phone cards today, and your timely donation of 20 phone cards delivered by Anne Patton-Villalobos yesterday, and the 60 I received in the mail today have kept us in business and kept soldiers in touch with their families.
I cannot express enough our gratitude for your generosity. Please know that your efforts are appreciated in the truest sense of the word.
This information is current as of June 2011.
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