Todd's wife Crystal has started a Caring Bridge page where you can follow his progress.

I was in DC for the 2010 MilBlog Conference over the weekend and was able to stop by Bethesda, meet Todd's family, and deliver his Soldiers' Angels Valour-IT laptop with voice activation. I understand he's already online and reading some of the comments at the Caring Bridge page, so be sure to visit the page and say hey!
Two non-profit military support organizations were featured at the Milblog conference: Soldiers' Angels and Homes for Our Troops. The groups received donations from the conference's "Jail and Bail" event, an auction put together by You Served, and one of the conference sponsors, USAA.
I mention this because not only were we able to provide Todd with a laptop while in DC, but I also had the pleasure of meeting the founder of Homes for Our Troops, John Gonsalves. He's been put in touch with Todd's family and is ready to start making plans with Todd and Crystal for their new adaptive home.
We cannot thank our donors enough for their generous support of Todd and all of our wounded warriors, and we certainly can never thank Todd and his family enough for their sacrifice.
Original post:

From the Todd Nicely - Wounded Warrior - Benefit Facebook page.
This page is for the friends of Todd Nicely to have a place to keep up to date on his condition. Todd's convoy was hit by a roadside bomb. He has lost both legs, a hand, and could possibly lose the other arm. I will let everyone know more info when I get it. I am also working on a benefit for the near future, so please keep posted to this page.
Todd came through Landstuhl hospital and is currently at Bethesda Naval Medical Center where he is surrounded by family and friends.
Please keep Todd and his family in your prayers, and leave a message of support at the Facebook page.
Update, see also:
Prayer for A Seriously Wounded Hero and His Family, by David Bellavia
Spiritual Warfare Needed - Todd Nicely, by Blackfive
A Call for Spiritual Warfare, by Carrie at Villainous Company
Later updates on Todd:
June 28, 2010: The Prince and the Marine
June 24, 2010: Marine Corporal Todd Nicely update
June 20, 2010: "They got me home"
My prayers are lifted for this brave soldier and his family.
Love and prayers to this Brave Marine and his family.
Patty on April 4, 2010 at 23:06
Todd, do you remember the Captain in Forest Gump? If you recall, he felt he had nothing to go on for after being wounded. Now—fast forward the movie. In the last scene that we see of the Captain—his life is dramatically changed. Every life on this Earth has a purpose! Some how, I think that we will be hearing more about you Todd Nicely because you will be doing incredible things in the not so distant future. While one chapter in your life may have closed, I see another opening up and I predict that you will continue to do great things with your life. The medical field has come a long way in recent years. It may take some getting use to with the “new” parts and you may get a little frustrated with all the PT that goes into learning how to maneuver those “new” parts but I think you’ll succeed in this challenge. I pray for your recovery and I pray that you have a family that not only supports you but keeps you motivated to reach your goals towards success. Keep your spirits high and know that you are loved and cared about deeply. Once a Marine, always a Marine! Your new mission is to get well, learn how to maneuver the new “parts” and know within your heart that you still have a lot to offer in this life. It may take a while before you are up and running but never doubt that you can and will accomplish this and so much more!
I promoted Lt. Dan! I'm sure they would have done so in the movie also if they had thought about it! LOL!
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