A story of an extraordinary life journey made by an extraordinary man - Dr. (Captain) Douglas Powell, who left his job as a business executive to attend medical school at age 40 and become an Army doctor. Part 1, part 2, and part 3, all at DVIDS.
Marines from Camp Pendleton relinquish command of key Afghan territory
Amid praise for a job well done, the Marines from Camp Pendleton on Saturday formally relinquished responsibility for leading the fight against the Taliban in the insurgency's longtime Afghanistan stronghold of Helmand province.
“In February 2010, the Taliban flag flew high here in Helmand,” said Army Lt. Gen. David M. Rodriguez, commander of the international joint force. “Today, this land belongs to the people of Helmand.”
Haji Abdul Manaf, governor of the Nawa district, was blunt: “This has been a very good year. We want more good years.”
Their comments came at a ceremony marking the turnover of command responsibility from the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force from Camp Pendleton to the 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force from Camp Lejeune, N.C.
Progress in Helmand has been costly: 136 Marines have been killed in combat since March 1, 2010 -- 61 of them from Camp Pendleton.
The hardest-hit combat unit was the Camp Pendleton-based 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, which suffered 24 killed in action and more than 175 wounded since relieving a British unit in early October in the Sangin district.
One of the most recent of the regiment's wounded is Navy corpsman Stuart Fuke, 22, of Honolulu, wounded in the thigh during a foot patrol a week ago. A Marine buddy stopped Fuke’s bleeding with rolls of gauze as sniper fire snapped overhead.
In six months of patrols, Fuke, who was on his second tour in Afghanistan, has provided emergency battlefield care to numerous Marines shot by Taliban snipers or wounded by buried bombs.
Fighting the Taliban, Fuke said, “is like fighting ghosts.”
“It’s like the gangbanging school: shoot, shoot and run away,” said Fuke, now recuperating at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany before being airlifted to Naval Medical Center San Diego for additional surgery.
“These guys are quick,” he said. “It’s hit-and-miss, they don’t stand and fight.”
In one skirmish, Fuke had a Marine buddy “die in my arms” after being hit; in another he was able to stem the bleeding and save the life of an agonized Marine who lost both legs and his right arm; and in yet another incident, he watched in horror as a Navy corpsman had his legs blown off.
Marines say conditions in Sangin have changed greatly since fall, with more cooperation from villagers and increasing competency of Afghan security forces.
More bomb-sniffing dogs are being deployed, and the U.S. has advanced technology to catch Taliban fighters or their sympathizers burying bombs under cover of darkness.
But for the Marine grunts and the Navy corpsmen, one thing will remain the same in the coming year: Every foot patrol in Helmand province is perilous.
“You never know when you’re going to step on death,” Fuke said from his hospital bed.
It was soldiers saving soldiers. Soldiers putting out fires on other soldiers; soldiers dragging soldiers out of fires; resuscitating; giving soldiers CPR; putting tourniquets on limbs that had been severed; putting out fires on their bodies, sometimes with their own hands. Anything they could do to care for their buddies that were more seriously injured they were doing. They can't do that without knowing how. They responded the way they would in combat.
- Maj. Gen. William M. Steele, Commanding general of the 82d Airborne Division
Wounded Soldier has Big Plans
By Sarah Gravlee
Story Published: Mar 21, 2011 at 7:57 PM MDT
(Story Updated: Mar 21, 2011 at 7:57 PM MDT )
BILLINGS - More than 10,000 members of the U.S. Military have been injured in Afghanistan since Operation Enduring Freedom began in 2001; 48 of those are from Montana.
Sgt. J.D. Williams of Harrison was one of then. Five-and-a-half months into a 12-month deployment in Afghanistan something went horribly wrong.
"I noticed blood on my fingers, I saw I was missing both my legs and my right arm," he said and a SKYPE interview from San Antonio, Texas.
On October 9th at about 8 a.m., Williams stepped on a 70-pound improvised explosive device.
"it was the most beautiful morning I can remember in Afghanistan," he said. "The birds were chirping. It wasn't too hot, wasn't too cold. I just looked up at the sky. I was thinking God gave me a beautiful day to die."
He did just that. Doctors told him he was dead for 30 minutes, but a cardiac massage and the thought of his young daughter brought him back.
"I didn't want her not knowing who her real father was," he said.
One week after the accident, JD was reunited with his wife and child.
"You can't prepare yourself for something like that," his wife Ashlee Williams said. "The doctors tell you to be strong and not break down, because that's the last thing he wants to see. When I got to that door, there was no breaking down. I was so excited to see him."
Five months later, Williams is improving by leaps and bounds.
"I was held at a high standard in the army," Williams said. "When I got injured my goal was to be the best injured soldier. My wounds are something I'm proud of. I gave my limbs for this country and I wouldn't take them back for a second."
Williams is impressing his therapists with his ability to use a prosthetic arm. He said he's doing things with his arm at record speed.
"Being from Montana, You gotta love to hunt," he said. "I started shooting my bow with my prosthetic arm. Almost anything you can think of, I can do."
Just last week, Williams took his first steps on short prosthetic legs. His therapist said he should be walking on long legs in about a month and a half -- about the same time he plans to become the first triple amputee to ride a bull.
"I'm riding it to build other soldiers' hopes up," he said. "My platoon... for them to see me bull riding it's gonna build their hopes up."
Williams plans to return to Montana this summer. He thanks all who have participated in fundraisers to help his family financially through this rough time. Ashlee is keeping a blog of his progress. You can find that website by visiting kulr8.com and clicking on connections.
Wounded Warrior shows true grit to stay in the fight
By Maj. Paul Greenberg, Wounded Warrior Battalion-East
CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (March 14, 2011) — In September 2001, Than Naing was cooking hamburgers in a fast-food restaurant in New York City and taking prerequisite classes part-time at the City College of New York in hopes of pursuing an engineering degree.
A 25-year-old recent immigrant from Burma, Naing had no knowledge of the Marine Corps and little interest in current world events. He could not identify Iraq or Afghanistan on a map.
That all changed after 9/11.
“Many people in America don’t appreciate democracy,” said Naing. “In Burma, there is no freedom of speech. If you say something bad about the generals that run the country, they will put you in prison for many years. That is why I joined the Marine Corps after 9/11. I was so happy to have the chance to live in a democracy, and I wanted to defend it. I saw the people dying in the Twin Towers. I felt like I had to give something back, because America gave me such a good life.”
Although Naing went to the nearby Marine Corps recruiting station to enlist just a week after 9/11, it took him more than two years of studying English as a Second Language while living and working in New York City to get his English fluency to a degree of proficiency to enable him to pass the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery.
He passed the test and headed to Parris Island, S.C. for boot camp in May 2004.
“I didn’t know a lot about the U.S military, but my friend told me that the Marine Corps was the best (branch of service). And I wanted to be one of the best,” said Naing.
After graduating from recruit training, Pvt. 1st Class Naing was assigned to Company C, 1st Battalion, 6th Marine Regiment, 2nd Marine Division, in October 2004.
Within a year he found himself walking the streets of Fallujah as a rifleman. During this tour, he learned from friends back in the States that his mother had passed away in Burma during his second month in Iraq. However, Naing opted not tell his command, “Because they would want me to go home, and I did not want to leave my fellow Marines in combat, and there was nothing I could do for my family at that time.”
Naing has not gone back to Burma since.
In 2006 he went back to Iraq for a second tour with 1/6, this time in Ramadi.
After several months of hard fighting during the height of the insurgency, Naing was shot in the left shoulder during a firefight Oct. 19, 2006. After being stabilized at the U.S. military hospital in Landstuhl, Germany, he was transported to the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Md. While at Bethesda, Naing pinned on corporal meritoriously.
Naing arrived back at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina in January 2007 and was assigned to the Injured Support Unit, Wounded Warrior Barracks. During his 18 months of recovery with Wounded Warriors, Naing saw the organization evolve into a full-fledged Marine Corps unit, which was designated Wounded Warrior Battalion East.
He used his time constructively, mentoring junior Marines, continuing his university education and completing the process of applying for U.S. citizenship, which he eventually earned in May 2007.
“When I got my U.S. citizenship, I felt like a new man again on the earth,” said Naing.
Naing’s spirit of determination was quickly noted by the Injured Support Unit staff, and he was quickly given leadership responsibilities and encouraged to actively engage his fellow Marines to ensure they stayed on the right track to recovery and transition. He was awarded NCO of the quarter in the summer of 2008.
“I was impressed by his perseverance to get back on full duty, to reenlist, and truly get back into the fight,” said Sgt. Maj. Joel Collins, who served as the battalion sergeant major from 2008 to 2011.
“Even after he was placed back on full duty, he was still not in fighting shape,” explained Collins. “A collective effort from the staff, his fellow wounded warriors, and mostly from his own intestinal fortitude was he able to get back into shape to reenlist and get back to Fleet Marine Forces…. Naing is not afraid of a little heat. He is countable.”
With gritty determination, Naing rehabilitated his shoulder through extensive physical therapy, regular workouts in the gym with his buddies, and countless hours in the base pool. He pinned on the rank of sergeant in January 2009 and achieved his goal of returning to the operational forces that spring.
“I just wanted to get back to the Fleet and deploy again,” said Naing. “I joined the Marine Corps to be an infantryman and to go to combat. In (my previous tour), one of my best friends was killed by an IED. I wanted to go back to Iraq and fight in his honor.”
After passing his physical fitness test with a first class score, Naing, now 32 years old was assigned to Company I, 3rd Battalion 6th Marine Regiment as a squad leader.
Within a year, Naing found himself in the mountains of Afghanistan, leading his squad in almost daily combat in the summer heat in Marjah City, Helmand Province.
On June 13, 2010, Naing was checking the perimeter security around a vehicle checkpoint which his squad had set up near Marjah. A firefight broke out, and an Afghanistan National Army soldier in Naing’s squad was killed almost instantly by enemy fire. Then a Marine was hit in the arm. While directing his squad’s fire and calling in a situation report, Naing was shot in the chest by a Taliban fighter with a machine gun.
Although he was in and out of consciousness from loss of blood, Naing continued to call in reports to his platoon sergeant while still under fire. His corpsman dragged Naing into a ditch to patch up his wounds, and he was evacuated by helicopter in critical condition to a hospital at Camp Leatherneck.
“All I can remember is that I was screaming in the helicopter, because it was so painful,” said Naing.
For bravery under fire, Naing received the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement medal with Combat “V.”
He was again evacuated to Bethesda. He arrived back at Camp Lejeune in September 2010 for his second tour with Wounded Warrior Battalion East.
“It’s definitely positive to see someone like him being an inspiration to the other guys, going through and fighting his own battles and keeping his attitude so positive all the time. He inspires others. He literally keeps the morale up for especially the junior Marines in the company,” said Sgt. Nathaniel Harris, a Wounded Warrior who knew Naing when they served together at 1/6 in 2005. They reconnected at Company A, where Harris has been a patient here since February 2010, after being severely wounded in Afghanistan.
Once again, Naing is pushing his own limits in the gym and at the pool, determined to return to full duty and deploy overseas for the fourth time.
“In my mind, I keep thinking about being a warrior. I think tactically; that’s how I am. The Marine Corps is perfect for me. I’m not a paperwork kind of guy. I just want to get back into the fight.”
If he has his druthers, Naing will go to university full-time under the Meritorious Enlisted Commissioning Program and become a Marine Corps infantry officer. He would be the first officer candidate in recent Marine Corps history to have two purple hearts upon commissioning.
“I believe that leadership begins with your example for others to follow. The exceptional example of Sgt Naing is extremely rare and very inspiring,” said Capt. Dennis Nichols, whose command of Company A, Wounded Warrior Battalion East, has spanned both of Naing’s tours here.
“He is a living example of tenacity and determination that he has exhibited now on two separate occasions both being very challenging and often times grueling,” said Nichols. “I feel that he is a prime example and will do extremely well as an officer.”
Wounded Warrior Battalion East is headquartered here with Companies A and B, which care for about 200 wounded, ill and injured Marines.
The battalion also supervises several hundred Wounded Warriors at seven subordinate detachments at hospitals throughout the country from the National Capitol Region to San Antonio, Texas.
The stated mission of Wounded Warrior Battalion East is taking care of wounded, ill and injured Marines and their families. With a full-time staff of more than 200 Marines, Sailors and civilian professionals, battalion staff ensures the care of our Wounded Warriors throughout the recovery and transition process.
Jensen said he learned about the incident when his phone rang Sunday afternoon.
"I got the call from hell," he said, explaining how he thought it was a telemarketer. "I was going to tell them to quit calling me on Sunday afternoon. I picked up the phone and said, ‘Hello?' The man goes, ‘This is the U.S. Army. Your son Quinn has been in an accident, and all we know right now is he's in serious condition."
Jensen said nightmarish thoughts followed but he heard from his son the next day and the soldier's spirits were high.
"He sounds better than we do," said Jensen. "He's a trooper, he's a hero, he's our guy."
Jensen said his son even lightened the mood, saying what bothered him most about the ordeal was that he chipped his tooth. The Cache Valley native has had a strong interest in the military and said he wanted to enlist about five years ago. However, family restraints kept him home but he later signed up for the Army Reserve.
"He wanted to go serve his country," his father added. "He said, ‘Somebody's got to do it, it might as well be me.'"
Doctors and nurses treating soldiers injured in Afghanistan have begun speaking of a new "signature wound" - two legs blown off at the knee or higher, accompanied by damage to the genitals and pelvic injuries requiring at least a temporary colostomy.
Twice as many U.S. soldiers wounded in battle last year required limb amputations than in either of the two previous years. Three times as many lost more than one limb, and nearly three times as many suffered severe wounds to their genitals. In most cases, the limbs are severed in the field when a soldier steps on a buried mine.
The increase in both rate and number of such wounds is most likely a result of the troop surge in Afghanistan that began last spring, combined with a counterinsurgency strategy that emphasizes foot patrols in villages and on farm compounds. It was noticed by military surgeons in Afghanistan last fall and quantified in late December by a team of surgeons at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in Germany, where virtually every evacuated soldier stops en route to the United States.
"I've seen these types of injuries before. What I haven't seen is them coming in over and over and over again," said John B. Holcomb, a trauma surgeon at the University of Texas at Houston and retired Army colonel who helped identify the trend.
The report prepared by Holcomb and two surgeons at Landstuhl has circulated at the highest levels of civilian and military command in the past two months. An abbreviated version was provided to The Washington Post with Pentagon permission.
It shows that from 2009 to 2010, the proportion of war casualties arriving at Landstuhl who had had a limb amputated rose to 11 percent from 7 percent - a 60 percent increase. The fraction suffering genitourinary (GU) injuries increased to 9.1 percent from 4.8 percent - a 90 percent increase.
The actual number of patients with the injuries increased even more drastically.
In 2009, 75 soldiers underwent amputation and 21 lost more than one limb. In 2010, 171 soldiers had amputations and 65 lost more than one limb. GU injuries increased from 52 to 142 over the same period.
In mid-October, a Washington Post reporter attended a weekly videoconference in which military medical personnel from around the world discuss the previous week's severe trauma cases. Of the 13 patients on the agenda, many had lost limbs, and three had lost both legs and both testicles.
Medical staff at Landstuhl also noticed a rise in severe genital injuries last fall.
"In my 21/2 years here, it's just started," intensive-care unit nurse Kathryn Gillespie said in late October.
Most critically injured soldiers arrive at Landstuhl unconscious or heavily sedated. Some regain consciousness for the first time since the battlefield during their two- or three-day stay. Gillespie described a typical awakening.
"The first thing we let them know is they're in Germany. We tell them, 'You're hurt, but you're okay.' Then they want to do a scan of their body. They ask, 'Is my junk all together?' They want to check their 'package.' Then they check their arms and legs. This all happens probably within 15 minutes of being off sedation."
Many patients, minds clouded by illness and medication, "discover" their injuries more than once during the stay. Each time, they ask nurses and doctors to explain what happened and what lies ahead.
Holcomb, who spent two weeks at Landstuhl in December and is a former head of the U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research, said he had heard of "unwritten pacts among young Marines that if they get their legs and genitals blown off they won't put tourniquets on but will let each other die on the battlefield."
Richard H. Carmona, who was U.S. surgeon general from 2002 to 2006 and is now on the board, said the information was "very disturbing."
Why amputation-requiring injuries increased so much in recent months isn't entirely understood. It is partly a function of tactics that emphasize more foot patrols in rural areas. Some people have speculated the mines may be constructed specifically to cause the devastating wounds.
It is a journey that no father should have to take. But for Lt. Gen. John Kelly, whose son Robert was a Marine with the 3rd Battalion of the 5th Regiment, it was a necessary trip.
2nd Lt. Robert M. Kelly, 29, was killed instantly when he stepped on a land mine last November while leading his Marines in a tough fight to win control of a Taliban sector in southern Afghanistan -- a fight his unit eventually won.
General Kelly is the senior most member of the US military to lose a son in battle. He is also Defense Secretary Robert Gates' newly appointed senior military aide. Gates arrived in Afghanistan on Monday for a surprise visit. For Kelly, it was his first trip back to Afghanistan since his son was killed, back to the platoon that his son led.
Even a Marine would have a hard time fighting back tears. Members of the press corps certainly did.
The battalion gave the general the last photo taken of his son on the morning he was killed, signed by each member of his unit. He showed it to me as we boarded an Osprey to leave Helmand.
"He loved the Marine Corps, he really did," Kelly could be heard telling the Marines huddled around him. "He had a lot of friends."
Twenty-nine members of the 3rd battalion of the 5th regiment have been killed since October, and 175 wounded.
Two years ago when he heard that the so-called "golden hour", known in Iraq as the standard time it takes to get wounded to a medical facility, was actually the "golden two hours" in Afghanistan, he demanded the military do better. So he deployed more helicopters, personnel and mobile medical units.
When Gates began that effort to decrease the amount of time it takes to move the wounded to a military hospital, the average time in Afghanistan was about 1 hour and 41 minutes. Now, two years later, the golden hour is on average just around 40 minutes.
Even as weather prevented planes from taking off and landing at Bagram air base on Monday, Gates' C-17 military transport plane waited on the tarmac, delayed as Medevac units took off into the fog. They were the only military planes other than Gates' authorized to fly that day.